seCTer is about to launch its Resilience Assessment, a tool to help businesses identify potential challenges and begin formulating plans to address challenges before they arise.
The assessment identifies a broad range of potential issues, from cyclical economic downturns to national and international political affairs, disruptions in specific industries nationally and internationally, climate change, and challenges on a regional basis such as the loss of a major employer or a military base closure.
A survey to be completed by business owners is included in the assessment and will serve dual purposes: helping seCTer identify trends in regional business concerns; helping businesses consider potential issues they may not have previously considered.
Survey questions range from basic demographic information about the company’s owners and employees to commuting methods (public transit, walking, biking, driving), whether the facility is owned or rented and its elevation, site vulnerability to weather events, workforce challenges, insurance coverage and financial resources to weather a disruption, and the existence of a disaster preparedness plan.
Business owners who participate in seCTer grant and loan programs are urged to complete the survey as part of the qualifying process.
The assessment is scheduled to be released later this fall.